Venedocia Village Council
Venedocia Lions Club August 5, 2002
Meeting was called to order by President of Council, Robert Louth. (Mayor was not present)
Roll call was taken with council members Jeff Davis, Vernon Hobbs, Lee Lare, Gloria Leiter, (Robert Louth), and Paul Price present.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
The bills were presented as follows:
AEP (street lights) $173.63 (#3538)
OH Dept. Of Taxation $15.54 (#3539)
School Dist. Income Tax $9.79 (#3540)
Rod Eutsler $333.50 (#3541)
Lee Lare $83.92 (#3542)
NAPA $91.07 (#3543)
AEP (town storage) $13.27 (#3544)
AEP (street lights) $183.22 (#3545)
Janet Louth $16.75 (#3546)
Savidge Paint and Repair $23.79 (#3547)
OH Job/Family Services $14.88 (#3548)
Jenny Pugh $247.90 (#3549)
Jenny Pugh $7.52 (#3550)
Paul Price made a motion to pay all bills. Vernon Hobbs seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Old Business
In the agenda sent by Mayor Doug Ruen....
... he wrote that the flag pole was on order.
....he asked what was the progress with the merry-go-round. It was stated that the playground equipment still needs painted.
...he asked about sending letters for abandoned/junk motor vehicles. Vernon Hobbs volunteered to go around town and look to see what needs done.
...he asked about the progress of the street signs discussed at July’s meeting. It was reported by Vernon Hobbs that some of the signs had been replaced, but he was in need of the e-mail address to order other needed signs.
New Business
Robert Louth was asked by Linda Collins about attaining a building permit. She was told to talk with Jerry Koenig, the person that is the head of zoning.
There was a discussion of figures held over the proposed new fire truck in Middle Point.
After this discussion, it was decided to invite either or both Vaugn Lee (fire department) or Chad Adams (mayor of Middle Point) to the next council meeting to better understand where the nature of this project. Vernon Hobbs moved to hold off on a vote to put this issue on the ballot until further information was provided. Gloria Leiter seconded the motion. Motion carried. Jenny Pugh will contact the Court House to decide if a special meeting will need to be called in order to meet time lines for the November vote.
Paul Price moved to decline the offer of a formal hearing for our tax budget by the County Auditor’s Office. Vernon Hobbs seconded. Motion carried.
Jenny Pugh reported that Firstar, the bank that holds the town’s CD, has changed its name to US Bank. Gloria Lieter moved to not make any changes to the CD, Lee Lare seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The 2003 Tax Budget was reported by council clerk/treasurer, Jenny Pugh. Paul Price moved to accept the budget. Vernon Hobbs seconded the motion. A roll-call vote was
taken with the following outcome:
L. Lare-yes G. Leiter-yes P. Price-yes J. Davis-yes R. Louth-yes V. Hobbs-yes
Paul Price moved for adjournment. Jeff Davis seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Jennifer J. Pugh, clerk
Robert Louth, President of Council