Venedocia Village Council
Venedocia Lions Club November 5, 2002
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Doug Ruen.
Roll call was taken with council members Jeff Davis, Vernon Hobbs, Lee Lare, Paul Price, Gloria Leiter, and Robert Louth present.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
The bills were presented as follows:
Rod Eutsler $35.00 (#3565)
AEP(street lighting) $186.34 (#3566)
AEP(town building) $13.17 (#3567)
Postmaster $24.00 (#3568)
EMA $75.00 (#3569)
Salem Pres. Church$400.00 (#3570)
Jenny Pugh $247.90 (#3571)
Jenny Pugh $123.45 (#3572)
Gloria Leiter made a motion to pay all bills. Robert Louth seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Old Business
Mayor Ruen summarized the letter from the post office, stating that the town was responsible for the post office box fee. It was agreed upon to pay the bill.
Mayor Ruen invited council members to the next library meeting, which will be held on Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. at the Lions Club.
Jenny Pugh gave a brief overview of the topics discussed at the annual clerk/treasurer meeting. The highlight was the PERS discussion.
Jenny Pugh reported sending abandoned vehicle letters to the Larry Eutsler and Patrick Jutte residences.
New Business
Mayor Ruen reported that Forest Gibbler has volunteered to have the Masonic Band play at a bicentennial celebration, if the village was planning such an event.
Jenny Pugh explained that LGS had brought to her attention that the financial report for the year 2001 had not been sent to the auditor’s office. She said that she had sent a letter concerning her frustrations with making contact with people in the auditor’s office and that the document would be finished as soon as possible.
Gloria Leiter moved to adjourn the meeting, Jeff Davis seconded. Meeting adjourned.
Jennifer J. Pugh, clerk
Doug Ruen, Mayor