Village Council
Venedocia Lion’s
Club April 7, 2003
Meeting was called to order by mayor, Doug
Roll call was taken with council members
Jeff Davis, Vernon Hobbs, Lee Lare, Paul Price, Gloria Leiter, and Robert Louth
The minutes of the previous meeting were
read and approved.
The bills were presented as follows:
AEP- street lights
$185.87 (#3622)
Lee’s Ace Hardware
$57.65 (#3623)
Treasurer of State
$2,260.55 (#3624)
AEP-street lights
$185.87 (#3625)
US Bank $25.00
AEP-town storage
building $13.17 (#3627)
ODJFS $25.87
OH Dep’t of
Taxation $6.30 (#3629)
PERS $55.13
Pugh-reimburs. $8.23 (#3631)
Jenny Pugh- salary
$226.65 (#3632)
Gloria Leiter made a motion to pay all
bills. Vernon Hobbs seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Old Business
Mayor Ruen stated that Forest Gribbler is
still looking for artifacts from the Venedocia area to display during the
bicentennial celebration.
Jeff Davis reported that the property of
Perry Wise still has excessive junk. A certified letter will be sent to Mr.
Wise from the village solicitor concerning this matter.
New Business
Vernon Hobbs reported that the hand water
pump across from the post office loses its prime and needs repaired. Gloria
Leiter moved to fix the pump. Lee Lare seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Vernon Hobbs moved to have Jeff Coil fix the pump (estimated cost between $200
and $500). Gloria Leiter seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Jenny Pugh gave a summary of the citations
and suggestions of the 2001-2002 audit report.
Paul Price moved to transfer the total
$231.00 from the library fund to the general fund. Robert Louth seconded the
motion. Motion carried.
Vernon Hobbs moved to pay the custodian,
Kimala Coil, a yearly salary of $250.00.
Gloria Leiter seconded the motion. Motion
Mayor Ruen asked for update on the library
construction. Jenny Pugh reported that the committee has applied for some
Paul Price moved to close the meeting. Jeff
Davis seconded. Meeting adjourned.
Jennifer J. Pugh-clerk
Doug Ruen-Mayor