Village Council
Venedocia Lion’s Club May 5, 2003
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Doug
Roll call was taken with council members Lee
Lare, Paul Price, Robert Louth and Gloria Leiter present.
The minutes of the previous meeting were
read and approved.
The bills were presented as follows:
Jeff Coil-flag
pole $225.00 (#3633)
AEP-street lights
$184.31 (#3634)
AEP-town storage
$13.17 (#3635)
Jeff Coil-sidewalk
$160.00 (#3636)
Rod Eutsler-mowing
$263.35 (#3637)
Eutlser-reimburs. $13.82 (#3638)
Lee Lare-gas
reimburs. $58.03 (#3639)
ODJFS $28.72
PERS $119.96
Flat Lands Supply
$36.45 (#3642)
Ridge Township
Quarry $60.52 (#3643)
Beverly Fuerst,
Co. Treas. $4.00 (#3644)
Insurance $774.00 (#3645)
Jenny Pugh-salary
$226.65 (#3646)
Paul Price made a motion to pay all bills.
Robert Louth seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Old Business
Jenny Pugh reported that a letter had not
been sent to the Wise Residence because there has been an attempt to remove
some of the junk. However, the Jutte residence has an excessive amount of junk.
New Business
Lee Lare moved to pay the Salem Presbyterian
Youth Group $400 to clean the streets. Gloria Leiter seconded the motion. Motion
Gloria Leiter made a motion to donate $150
to Memorial Park. Robert Louth seconded the motion. Lee Lare abstained. Motion
There was a discussion about the dirt and
stones in the shelter house at the park. There was no decision on who would be
responsible for cleaning it.
Mayor Ruen asked if a council member would
like to attend a special awards ceremony and press conference on Tuesday, May
20, 2003 at 1:00 p.m. There purpose of this ceremony is to receive two special
signs indicating that our community is an official "Bicentennial
Community". Lee Lare volunteered to attend the meeting.
Gloria Leiter moved to have the catch basins
cleaned by Bruns Vacuum. Robert Louth seconded the motion.
Robert Louth moved to close the meeting.
Paul Price seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Jennifer J. Pugh-clerk
Dour Ruen-Mayor