Venedocia Village Council



    Venedocia Lion’s Club                                           September 8, 2003


Meeting was called to order by President of Council, Robert Louth.


Roll call was taken with council members Jeff Davis, Gloria Leiter, Lee Lare, Paul Price, and Vernon Hobbs present.  (Mayor Ruen now in attendance.)


The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.


Prior to the reading of the bills, Paul Price moved to pay the Village of Mendon for three dates for mosquito spraying.  Lee Lare seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


The bills were presented as follows:

AEP (town storage)                        $13.21            (#3678)

Rod Eustler-mowing            $533.02            (#3679)

PERS                                     $186.33            (#3680)

AEP(street lights)                        $184.09            (#3681)

Treas. State of OH                        $50.00            (#3682)

Village of Mendon                        $750.00            (#3683)

Lee Lare-gas reimburs.            $170.84            (#3684)

Jenny Pugh                            $226.65            (#3685)


Robert Louth made a motion to pay all bills.  Vernon Hobbs seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Old Business

Jeff Davis reported that Vantage Career Center is ready to begin repairing the catch basins. 


Paul Price stated that the stop sign between Bebb and Williams street has been repaired.


New Business

Mayor Ruen presented an estimate from Seuver Stone Quarry to tar and chip the damaged streets in the village. Most severely damaged streets include: Evans, College, Wittington and Williams. The estimate was $4800.00.  Paul Price moved to hire Seuver Stone Quarry to do this job.  Vernon Hobbs seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Council asked about the status of the weather siren.  It was stated that it had sounded that day, but had not been previously working.  Mayor Ruen commented that Ray Young is currently working on the problem.


Vernon Hobbs reported that there have complaints about the sidewalk tore up in front of Mayor Ruen’s residence.  Mayor Ruen stated that the project should be completed by the end of the month.


Paul Price moved to adopt the Resolution Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor.  Lee Lare seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Paul Price moved to adjourn the meeting.  Vernon Hobbs seconded the motion.  Meeting adjourned.



Jennifer J. Pugh-clerk



Doug Ruen-Mayor