Venedocia Village Council
Venedocia Lion’s Club October
6, 2003
was called to order by Mayor Doug Ruen.
call was taken with council members Jeff Davis, Gloria Leiter, Lee Lare, Paul
Price, Vernon Hobbs and Robert Louth present.
minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
bills were presented as follows:
AEP- town storage $13.17 (#3686)
AEP-street lights $184.99 (#3687)
Rod Eutsler-mowing $346.02 (#3688)
Treasurer State of OH-taxes $22.22 (#3689)
School District Income Tax $16.49 (#3690)
Lee’s Ace Hardware $25.91 (#3691)
Postmaster $24.00 (#3692)
PERS $140.03 (#3693)
Jenny Pugh $226.65 (#3694)
Price made a motion to pay all bills.
Lee Lare seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
Davis reported that Vantage Career Center will replace the grated bars on the
catch basins with plates. This will be
as effective and less costly.
Ruen stated that Seuver Stone Quarry will try to get our streets repaired yet
this fall.
Jeff Davis has
donated a backboard for the basketball court at the park.
Robert Louth made a
motion to have trick-or-treat night for the village on Friday, October 31st
from 6:00-7:30 p.m.. Gloria Leiter
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Mayor Ruen stated
that students from the Spencerville High School vocational class showed an
interest in painting the playground equipment at the park in order to fulfill a
community service project. Lee Lare
volunteered to supply the paint for the project as long as the job was done
It was noted that
two residences and one business are in violation of the village’s junk and
rubbish ordinance. These are: Patrick
Jutte, Larry Eutsler, and Jerry Koenig.
Letters will be sent to these individuals.
Gloria Leiter moved
to close the meeting. Jeff Davis
seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Jennifer J. Pugh-clerk/treasurer
Doug Ruen-Mayor