Village of Venedocia



                        Lions Club                                                                           March 7, 2005


Meeting was called to order by Robert Louth with council members Jeff Davis, Charlie Good, Gloria Leiter, and Paul Price present. 


The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The bills were presented as follows:


Jenny Pugh (salary)                          $223.10          (#3884)

Medicare/Federal 1st Quarter          $21.78            (#3885)

Ohio Income Taxes 1st Quarter        $6.11              (#3886)

OPERS                                              $55.12            (#3887)

Jenny Pugh (postage reimburse)    $34.98            (#3888)

AEP (town storage)                          $13.17            (#3889)

AEP (street lights)                             $185.72          (#3890)

AEP (Christmas lights)                     $188.05          (#3891)

Eric Pugh (water pump reimburse)$160.50          (#3892)


Paul Price moved to pay all bills.  Jeff Davis seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Mayor Ruen joined the meeting.


Old Business

Jenny Pugh reported that 5 of the 6 junk vehicle letters had been delivered with Linda Collins’ letter being returned to the post office.  Mayor Ruen said that he would look into getting an address for Linda Collins.  Councilman Leiter stated that she recently saw three unlicensed vehicles on the property.


New Business

Councilman Good noted that certain documents are not accessible on the Village website due to the nature of the website. He expressed interest in purchasing a domain for the Village of Venedocia in order to have more capabilities.  He quoted a price of $265.40 for 5 years of service.  The village will own the website and Charlie Good will be the webmaster.  Paul Price moved to purchase necessary materials.  Jeff Davis seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Paul Price moved to adjourn the meeting.  Meeting adjourned.


Next meeting will be on April 4, 2005.



                                                                                                Jennifer J. Pugh, clerk/treasurer



                                                                                                Douglas Ruen, Mayor