Village of Venedocia
Venedocia Lions Club July
11, 2005
Meeting was called to order
by Mayor Doug Ruen with council members Lee Lare, Robert Louth, Charlie Good,
Gloria Leiter and Jeff Davis present.
Also in attendance were village residents, Maryanne and Jerry Foust.
The minutes of the previous
meeting were read and approved.
The bills were presented as
Jenny Pugh $223.10 (#3923)
Grier’s Power Digging $330.00 (#3924)
Ed Sites (visiting clerk) $112.00 (#3925)
Treas. State of Ohio $240.00 (#3926)
AEP (street lights) $182.67 (#3927)
AEP (town storage) $13.17 (#3928)
Jenny Pugh (postage) $11.82 (#3929)
Rod Eutsler (mowing) $632.90 (#3930)
PERS (Eutsler) $160.52 (#3931)
PERS (Pugh) $55.12 (#3932)
Federal Tax (2nd
Quarter) $79.20 (#3933)
School Tax (2nd
Quarter) $7.29 (#3934)
State Tax (2nd
Quarter) $12.97 (#3935)
Rod Eutsler (service) $150.00 (#3936)
Violet Implement Sales $93.66 (#3937)
Heritage Farm Equip. $116.21 (#3938)
Lee Lare moved to pay all
bills. Jeff Davis seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Old Business
Mayor Ruen stated that on
June 14, 2005 the plans for a driveway at the Jerry Foust residence that were
submitted to the zoning inspector, Jerry Koenig, were found to be supported by
the village zoning ordinances. Therefore,
the plans were approved.
Mayor Ruen reported that
Barry Coil is waiting on necessary supplies to fix the potholes in the village.
A discussion was held about
the need to update some of the village ordinances (i.e. junk cars), as well as,
proceeding with the process of having the ordinances codified so that they will
be able to be enforced properly.
New Business
Mayor Ruen stated that he
had received a letter of resignation from Jerry Koenig for the position of
zoning inspector on July 1, 2005. The
job vacancy will be posted. The rate is
$10.00 per zoning application. Anyone
interested in applying for this position should contact the Mayor by July 29,
Councilman Good reported
that the village website has been receiving an average of 36 visitors per day.
Mayor Ruen updated the
council on the library committee plans.
The committee is proposing to put up a modular instead of building onto
the Lions Club.
Mayor Ruen entertained a
motion to spend $1000.00 for kids’ games and prizes to raise money for the
library at next month’s ice cream social.
The council felt this was a lot of money for the short amount of time
the games would be open.
Jenny Pugh shared that the
village audit for 2003-2004 will be underway later this week.
The final discussion of the
meeting was initiated by Mr. and Mrs. Foust.
They brought to the council’s attention Ordinance 1948-2 that stated
that a sidewalk used and owned by the village could not be taken out. They argued that their neighbor, Mr. and
Mrs. Vince Clement, should not have removed the sidewalk in front of their
house. Mayor Ruen stated that neither he
nor council were aware of this ordinance.
Paul Price moved to adjourn
the meeting.
Next meeting will be August
1, 2005.
J. Pugh, clerk/treas.
Ruen, Mayor