Village of Venedocia
Venedocia Lions Club August
1, 2005
The meeting was called to
order by President of Council, Robert Louth.
The following council members were also present: Lee Lare, Paul Price, Jeff Davis, Charlie Good and Gloria Leiter.
The minutes from the
previous meeting were read, corrected and approved.
The bills were presented as
Jenny Pugh $223.10 (#3939)
Lee Lare (gas reimburse.) $148.50 (#3940)
Jerry Koenig (zoning
reimburse.) $60.00 (#3941)
AEP (town storage) $13.17 (#3942)
Flat Lands Supply $10.70 (#3943)
Ace Hardware $22.55 (#3944)
Rod Eutsler (service
tractor) $50.00 (#3945)
Rod Eutsler (mowing) $429.67 (#3946)
OPERS (Eutsler) $109.37 (#3947)
OPERS (Pugh) $55.12 (#3948)
Lee Lare moved to pay all
bills. Gloria Leiter seconded the
motion. Motion carried.
There was no old business to
New Business
Jenny Pugh reminded council
members Gloria Leiter, Paul Price, Lee Lare and Jeff Davis that their terms
would be over at the end of 2005.
Therefore, they need to complete the appropriate paperwork to be placed
on the November election ballot. Jeff
Davis stated that he would not be seeking another term.
Clerk/Treasurer Pugh also
stated that the audit was nearly finished and should be ready by the next
council meeting.
Village resident, Larry
Eutsler, was the only person that expressed interest in the zoning inspector
position. Charlie Good moved to appoint
Larry Eutsler as the new zoning inspector.
Gloria Leiter seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
Upon the advice from the
state auditors, Jenny Pugh resigned from the clerk/treasurer position. Lee Lare moved to appoint Pugh to fulfill
the remainder of the term. Gloria Leiter
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Robert Louth moved to
adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned.
Next meeting will be
September 12, 2005.
Jennifer J. Pugh, clerk/treas.
Doug Ruen, Mayor