Village of Venedocia



Venedocia Lions Club                                                                              November 7, 2005


Meeting was called to order by Mayor Ruen with the following council members present:

Jeff Davis, Lee Lare, Gloria Leiter, Robert Louth, and Charlie Good.  Also attending the meeting was village solicitor Bob Young and various village residents.


The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The bills were presented as follows:


AEP (street lights)              $184.85            (#3976)

AEP (town storage)                      $13.17            (#3977)

Postmaster                            $24.00            (#3978)

V.W. Co. Emer. Manage.            $75.00            (#3979)

Doug Ruen                             $5.86              (#3980)

Treasurer State of OH            $332.24            (#3981)

Treasurer State of OH            $240.00            (#3982)

AEP (street lights)              $186.14            (#3983)

Jenny Pugh                            $127.40            (#3984)

Jenny Pugh                            $223.10            (#3985)

OPERS-Pugh               $55.12            (#3986)

Check #3987-VOIDED

Rod Eutsler                            $401.43            (#3988)

OPERS-Eutsler                        $102.31            (#3989)

Rod Eutsler (mileage)            $25.00            (#3990)

Savidge Paint & Repair            $483.12            (#3991)

Doug Ruen                             $8.38              (#3992)


Lee Lare moved to pay all bills.  Jeff Davis seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Old Business

It was recommended by the village solicitor that Sarah Kimmet notify AEP of the hazardous condition the nearby tree is posing to her house.


A petition was presented to Mayor Ruen.  The signers of the petition were in support of Vince and Marge Clement replacing the sidewalk in front of their house.


Councilman Good moved to enter into executive session after all those attending the meeting had their chance to speak.


After some statements by a few village residents, the council entered into executive session, in order to consult with the village solicitor.         


Executive session was adjourned and village residents were invited back in to the regular meeting.


Jeff Davis made a motion to discuss the matter of replacing the sidewalk in question with Vince Clement to see if he would allow the village to replace the sidewalk next spring or summer.  The cost of replacing this and only this sidewalk would be taken care of by the Village due to the fact that the Village gave Mr. Clement permission to take the sidewalk out.   Charlie Good seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


The cost to codify the ordinances is still being researched.


New Business

Mayor Ruen reported that Time Warner is coming out with 9 new channels.


Charlie Good moved to pass a resolution for county money to be earmarked for the

9-1-1 enhanced wireless communications fund.  Gloria Leiter seconded the motion.  Motion carried.








Charlie Good moved to accept a dual opinion on future audits, rather than move to GAAP/OCBOA form of accounting.  Gloria Leiter seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Lee Lare made a motion to enter into a depository agreement with US Bank (holds the certificate of deposit).  Robert Louth seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


It was mentioned that the dashed lines that were recently painted on Main Street should be double solid lines.


Robert Louth moved to adjourn the meeting.  Meeting adjourned.


Next meeting will be December 5, 2005.



                                                                                                Jennifer J. Pugh, clerk/treasurer




                                                                                                Doug Ruen, Mayor