Village of Venedocia



            Venedocia Lions Club                                                    May 1, 2006


The meeting was called to order by Mayor Doug Ruen with council members Charlie Good, Lee Lare, Gloria Leiter, Robert Louth and Paul Price present.  Also attending the meeting were John Lloyd and Ron Richards.


The minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved.


The bills were presented as follows:

AEP(town storage)                      $13.26            (#4045)

Check # 4046 VOIDED---------------------------------

Jennifer Pugh                        $221.94            (#4047)

AEP (street lights)              $191.79            (#4048)

Check #s 4049-4062 VOIDED------------------------

AEP (town storage)                      $13.26            (#4063)

Auto-Owners Insurance            $766.00            (#4064)

GatesMcDonald                   $95.00            (#4065)

OPERS (Pugh)             $56.75            (#4066)

Rod Eutsler (mowing)            $399.23            (#4067)

OPERS (Eutsler)                      $105.33            (#4068)

Rod Eutsler-maintenance            $150.00            (#4069)


Gloria Leiter moved to pay all bills.  Lee Lare seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Old Business

Mayor Ruen reported that he has completed 50% of the distribution of the income survey to village residents.


Mayor Ruen also reported that there has been no response on having the town lot surveyed.


If anyone is aware of street lights that need attention, please see the Mayor.


Pugh stated that the new UAN computer has arrived and been installed.  Gloria Leiter bought the computer being replaced.


Councilman Leiter reported that she had talked with Bob Young about paying for the utilities of the proposed library, but Young has not contacted Mayor Ruen about the decision.  Jenny Pugh shared that she was quoted a figure between $100 and $200 for the village to insure the modular that would serve as the library.  This would not include contents owned by the Brumback Library.


John Lloyd shared sketches for two possible locations for the library.  One location being considered is the current town lot.  Another possibility is purchasing one acre of land south of the Lions Club.


New Business

Rod Eutsler is requesting new blades and belts for the village mower.  Lee Lare moved to grant permission for said request.  Gloria Leiter seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Paul Price made a motion to pay the Salem Presbyterian Church Youth Group $400 to clean the village streets.  Lee Lare seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


There was a discussion held about the need for new doors on the park restrooms.  Gloria Leiter moved to purchase two new steel doors.  Charlie Good seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Paul Priced moved for adjournment.                          _______________________

Meeting adjourned.                                                                Jennifer J. Pugh, clerk/treas.    

Next meeting will be on June 5, 2006.                         _______________________

                                                                                                Doug Ruen, Mayor