Village of Venedocia

Venedocia Lions Club April 6, 2009

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Larry Eutsler with the following council members present: Lee Lare, Robert Louth, Paul Price, Jeff Coil, Gloria Leiter, and Charlie Good.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The bills were presented as follows:

Mary Taylor, CPA $240.00 (#4467)

BWC $6.29 (#4468)

Village of Middle Point $1917.59 (#4469)

Brown Publishing $18.00 (#4470)

Jenny Pugh $285.71 (#4471)

State of Ohio $6.43 (#4472)

OPERS $78.00 (voucher)

AEP-street lights $414.76 (charge)

AEP-town storage $13.26 (charge)

AEP-town storage $13.32 (charge)

Paul Price moved to pay all bills. Jeff Coil seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Old Business

Councilman Louth reported that the new flags had been put up.

There has been no news received regarding the title for the ball park.

Councilman Coil stated that the following maintenance is needed on the town tractor: oil change, blades sharpened, bearings greased, and hydraulics checked.

Coil also read a quote regarding the reconstruction of the ramps across from the church. The quote was for $7000.00. After discussion it was decided to negate

resurfacing of the alley on Main Street by the church. Paul Price moved to accept the $7000.00 quote for the ramps across from the church. Gloria Leiter seconded the motion. Motion carried.

New Business

It was noted that many alley and street signs need taken down and redone. Coil stated that the only cost to the Village in this project would be for the posts, new signs, and fuel. The labor to do the project would be free. Paul Price moved to have the necessary signs redone. Robert Louth seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The church youth group has set a date of April 15th to clean the streets of the village. Council members feel that this date is too early and another round of cleaning will be needed prior to Memorial Day. The youth group will be contacted to possibly set up a later date.

It was brought forth that the ballpark fence needs painted. The village will purchase the paint and seek individuals owing community service to provide the labor.

Lee Lare moved to employ Chad Eutsler as town mower and as one to oversee those serving community service. Charlie Good seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Jenny Pugh stated that the audit should commence soon.

The next meeting will be on May 4, 2009

Gloria Leiter moved for adjournment. Meeting adjourned.

______________________ ______________________

Jennifer J. Pugh, fiscal officer Larry W. Eutsler, Mayor