Village of Venedocia

Venedocia Lions Club January 3, 2011

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Larry Eutsler with the following council members present: Paul Price, Robert Louth, Christina Young, Charlie Good, Lee Lare, and Gloria Leiter.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The following council members were designated as voucher signers: Robert Louth, Lee Lare, and Gloria Leiter.

The bills were presented as follows:

Jenny Pugh $285.71 (#4612)

OPERS $58.49 (charge)

Paul Price moved to pay all bills. Christina Young seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Old Business

There was no old business to discuss.

New Business

It was reported that there is a hole that may pose some danger at the uninhabited Lybold residence. The Mayor will call the realtor to report the problem.

Paul Price moved to elect Robert Louth as Council President. Christina Young seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Lee Lare moved to secure Scott Gordon as the Village Solicitor. Christina Young seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Christina Young moved to hire Tom Evans for snow removal for 2011. Gloria Leiter seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Gloria Leiter moved to hire Kim Coil as the town custodian. Charlie Good seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Mayor Eutsler agreed to be head of zoning for the village.

Paul Price moved to allow the fiscal officer to pay the AEP bills as they are due. Gloria Leiter seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Charlie Good moved to continue to meet on the first Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Venedocia Lions Club.

Mayor Eutsler will assign the street, safety, and parks departments at the next meeting.

Paul Price moved to adjourn.

Meeting adjourned.

The next meeting will be February 7, 2011.

_________________________ ________________________

Jennifer J. Pugh, fiscal officer Larry W. Eutsler, Mayor