Village of Venedocia

Venedocia Lions Club March 5, 2012

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Larry Eutsler with the following council members present: Lee Lare, Gloria Leiter, Robert Louth, Paul Price, Chad Pugh, and Christina Young.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The bills were presented as follows:

Purmort Bros. Insurance $100.00 (#4700)

Times Bulletin $12.25 (#4701)

Jennifer Pugh $285.71 (#4702)

Federal Taxes $28.86 (#4703)

State Taxes $6.21 (#4704)

Postmaster $8.80 (#4705)

OPERS $78.02 (voucher)

AEP $318.38 (charge)

AEP $18.75 (charge)

Lee Lare moved to pay all bills. Christina Young seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Old Business

The pole light at Bebb and Main Street is being evaluated for accuracy of timing.

Price will ask Tim Price if he is interested in taking care of the mowing again this season.

Grant writer, Rob Puthoff, has asked to attend the next council meeting to introduce himself and talk about what he can possibly do for our village in regards to available grants.

New Business

A discussion was held concerning dumpsters for a village cleanup day. Some house need particular attention. The fiscal officer will look into how much money was appropriated for such job.

Mayor Eutsler assigned the following committees:

Park: Christina Young and Chad Pugh

Safety: Gloria Leiter and Lee Lare

Street: Paul Price and Robert Louth

The next meeting will be held April 2, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.

Robert Louth moved for adjournment.

Paul Price seconded the motion.

Meeting adjourned.

__________________________ _________________________

Jennifer J. Pugh, Fiscal Officer Larry W. Eutsler, Mayor