Village of Venedocia
Venedocia Lions Club November 7, 2012
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Larry Eutsler with the following council members present: Lee Lare, Gloria Leiter, Christina Young, Chad Pugh, Paul Price, and Robert Louth. Also attending the meeting were village residents, Linda Fox and Sarah Kimmet.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
The bills were presented as follows:
Lee Lare $163.93 (#4756)
Jenny Pugh $28.75 (#4757)
James Grant $192.76 (#4758)
Jenny Pugh $285.71 (#4759)
*************CHECK NUMBER 4760 VOIDED***
Salem Presbyterian Church $250.00 (4761)
Scott R. Gordon $474.90 (4762)
AEP $291.45 (charge)
AEP $18.93 (charge)
AEP $280.83 (charge)
OPERS $78.02 (voucher)
Paul Price moved to pay all bills. Lee Lare seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Old Business
Council member, Gloria Leiter, reported that a new emergency radio was needed for the village. She was told that the old one cannot be fixed. The new Magnavox radio would include three channels, needs CP200, and would cost $399.00. The fiscal officer is looking into the money necessary to purchase the radio.
Sarah Kimmet began her presentation by passing out a list of residents that she and other residents feel have violated the junk ordinance. It was noted that all village council members and the mayor’s names were included on the list.
New Business
Lare stated that as of January of 2013 the village will need to buy gas for the town mower elsewhere.
J. Pugh shared information concerning an up-coming curb renovation on State Route 116 across from the church. The Mayor will contact Bob McCollow for further information.
Village resident, Kimmet, suggested the town buy a new mower instead of fixing up the old mower.
The Mayor stated a light at the corner of Main and Bebb Streets needs replaced.
The fiscal officer asked for compensation at a rate of $7 per hour for a 16-hour course needed to update the village UAN system. Paul Price moved to do so. Gloria Leiter seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Robert Louth moved for adjournment.
Paul Price seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned.
The next meeting will by December 3, 2012.
___________________________ _____________________________
Jennifer J. Pugh, Fiscal Officer Larry W. Eutsler, Mayor