
Village of Venedocia

Regular Council Meeting

January 4, 2016 6:00 p.m.

The January council meeting began with Judge Leatherman giving the mayor’s oath of office to Sarah Kimmet and the council members’ oath of office to Marjorie Clement and Christina Young.

Roll call was taken with the following council members present: Marjorie Clement, Christina Young, Paul Price, Gloria Leiter, Tom Emery, and Doug Price. See attachment for additional guests attending the meeting.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The following assignments were given to council members by the mayor:

Signing checks: Clement, Young, and Emery

Safety Department: P. Price and D. Price

Park Department: Young and Emery

Street Department: Leiter and Clement

The following contact assignments were given as well:

Scott Gordon and VFW flags: Leiter

AEP: Emery

Craig Knapke: Young

The first Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Venedocia Lions Club was established as the regular date and time for council meetings.

P.Price moved for Christina Young to be council president. Leiter seconded. Motion carried.

P. Price moved to pay the mayor $1000 annually plus $40 per monthly meeting attended. Clements seconded. Motion carried.

Young moved to pay the fiscal office $325.00 per month. Leiter seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Leiter moved to set council members pay at $40.00 per meeting attended. D. Price seconded the motion. Motion carried.

P.Price moved to pay the town mower $8.00 per hour. Leiter seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Leiter moved to pay the janitor $250.00 per year. D. Price seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Clement moved to accept the IRS rate of 57.5 cents per mile for mileage reimbursement, as well as meal reimbursement. P. Price seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Young moved to establish First Federal Bank as the primary financial institution for the village. Emery seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Young moved to ask Scott Gordon to be the village solicitor. Leiter seconded the motion. Motion passed. Leiter will call to ask.

P. Price moved to ask Kim Coil to be the village janitor. Clement seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Old Business

There was no old business to discuss at this time.

New Business

Josh Evans presented the village with a new three-year fire contract to be entered into with Middle Point. There was no rate increase. The contract was accepted.

Pugh presented the proposed 2016 appropriations. After discussion and a few changes, Emery moved to accept the appropriations. Leiter seconded the motion. A roll-call vote was taken with the following results:




D. Price

P. Price








The bills were presented as follows:

Payable To:

For the amount of:

Payment Method:

James Grant


Check #5069

Jennifer Pugh


Check #5070

Beverly Fuerst, County Treasurer


Check #5071

Ace Hardware


Check #5072

Purmort Brothers Insurance


Check #5073

Maumee Watershed Conservancy


Check #5074



Check #5075



Check #5076

Public Employees Retirement System


Withholding Voucher #2



Payment Voucher #62

P. Price moved to pay all bills. Young seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Marilyn Foust asked if Rick McCoy could be contacted about re/certifying people in the village on the AED. Pugh will contact McCoy about this.

Jerry Foust questioned when streets in the village would be fixed, especially by his residence. Lack of money is prohibiting the village to take on this expense on its own. Grants will possibly be sought to aid in the process.

Marilyn Foust commented that manure was being splattered on the streets as semis drive through town. Making the health department aware of this problem was discussed.

Young reminded the new council members that they need to attend a mandatory meeting concerning the Sunshine Laws during their term. She will try to bring session dates and times to the next meeting.

At 7:05 p.m. Young moved for adjournment. The next meeting will February 1, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. Meeting adjourned.

___________________________ _______________________________

Jennifer J. Pugh, Fiscal Officer Sarah Kimmet, Mayor