Village of Venedocia

Regular Council Meeting

May 7, 2018

The May council meeting was called to order by Mayor Sarah Kimmet with the following council members present: Doug Price, Paul Price, Margie Clement, Tom Emery, Jordan Young, and Gloria Leiter.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The bills were presented as follows:

Doug Price


Check #5258

Randy Koenig


Check #5259

Village of Middle Point


Check #5260

Jennifer Pugh


Check #5261



Payment Voucher #17



Withholding Voucher #14



Withholding Voucher #16

Doug Price moved to pay all bills. Gloria Leiter seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Old Business

Craig Knapke with Access Engineering provided an update for the council regarding the resurfacing project:

$725,000.00 (includes $40,000 contingency allowance)

35,000.00 (for Plum Street)

+ 45,000.00 (Van Wert CDGB Grant)

$805,000.00 Total Funds

Paul Price moved to authorize Van Wert County to bid the State Route 116 project, where bids open on May 24th. Margie Clement seconded the motion. A roll-call vote was taken with a unanimous ‘yes’ vote was given. Motion passed. Bids are expected to be shared at the June meeting.

Furthermore, Knapke informed the council of an opportunity to enter into a contract among Access Engineering, Van Wert County, and the Village of Venedocia for the purpose of pavement resurfacing of Plum Street from Main Street (S.R. 116) east to the village’s corporation line. The project will also include the repair of failed pavement areas prior to the resurfacing. The potential $45,000.00 in grant money will cost the village an additional $4,000.00 beyond the $10,000.00 initially voted on. Discussion was held about the current balance in the Street Fund. Tom Emery moved to approve the grant administration process between these three entities. Doug Price seconded the motion. A roll-call vote was taken with a unanimous ‘yes’ vote was given. Motion passed.

Gloria Leiter moved to pay Access Engineering $10,500.00 for engineering services associated with the up-coming resurfacing project. This invoice is covered in full by the OPWC grant money already awarded to the village. Tom Emery seconded the motion. A roll-call vote was taken with a unanimous ‘yes’ vote was given. Motion passed.

New Business

A question was raised about requesting money from the Van Wert County Foundation for upkeep of the park equipment. Leiter will inquire.

At 7:11 p.m. Paul Price moved for adjournment. Meeting adjourned.

The next meeting will be Monday, June 4, 2018 at 6:30 p.m.

______________________________ __________________________

Jennifer Pugh, Fiscal Officer Sarah Kimmet, Mayor