Village of Venedocia
Regular Council Meeting
March 7, 2019
The March council meeting was called to order by Mayor Kimmet with the following council members present: Paul Price, Margie Clement, Gloria Leiter, and Tom Emery. Craig Knapke was also in attendance.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
The bills were presented as follows:
Purmort Brothers Insurance |
$125.00 |
Check #5292 |
Jennifer Pugh |
$285.98 |
Check #5293 |
Federal Taxes |
$28.26 |
Check #5294 |
Regional Planning Commission |
$43.40 |
Check #5295 |
Vernon Hobbs Construction, LTD |
$70.00 |
Check #5296 |
Village of Middle Point |
$2000.00 |
Check #5297 |
Randy Koenig |
$100.00 |
Check #5298 |
$78.00 |
Withholding Voucher #9 |
State Taxes |
$5.43 |
Withholding Voucher #10 |
$243.24 |
Payment Voucher #7 |
$224.30 |
Payment Voucher #13 |
Margie Clement moved to pay all bills. Gloria Leiter seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Old Business
Craig Knapke from Access Engineering reported the following street project jobs to be completed in the next 1-2 weeks: finish storm sewers, sidewalks, paving, and seeding. The project should be done by the end of May, then ODOT will begin their work. Tom Emery moved to approve and authorize the necessary signatures for a payment of $54,688.00 to PAB Construction. Paul Price seconded the motion. A roll-call vote was taken with a unanimous ‘yes’ vote indicated. Motion passed.
New Business
Paul Price moved to budget in a payment of $380 to cover the cost of the village’s domain for a period of 6 years beginning in 2020. Margie Clement seconded the motion. Motion carried.
It was noted that the emergency siren did not sound this past Monday. Leiter will notify Rick McCoy.
The mayor reported that according to JoAnne Simmerman, the village will take possession of 18980 Bebb Street as of April 1, 2019.
At 7:09 p.m. Tom Emery moved for adjournment. Meeting adjourned.
The next meeting will be Monday, April 1, 2019 at 6:30 p.m.
______________________________ __________________________
Jennifer Pugh, Fiscal Officer Sarah Kimmet, Mayor